The “Healthy Triangle”: A Recommended Route By The Marbella Promenade

During the hot summer months when trying to beat the heat, it’s imperative to keep hydrated and fed with healthy foods and beverages rich in vitamins. Your body needs these vitamins and other components, including Omega 3 (which is essential for the development and functioning of the brain) and calcium for your bones.

To help with this process, we would like to propose a route which we will call the “Healthy Triangle” for the close placement of these three establishments, situated just a few metres away from each other. This route answers the question, how can one eat healthy, without spending too much and enjoy the sea views of the Marbella promenade?

The Appetizer – a first healthy stop

The Estrellita Bar, Food & Health: This first stop along the route begins with a wonderful, natural juice on a fabulous terrace overlooking the Mediterranean. There is nothing better to beat the heat of the summer days!

The juices provide lots of vitamins and minerals to the body. In addition to strengthening, refreshing, revitalizing and debugging one’s system, the juice especially provides needed energy for your body.

A popular saying is that “variety is the spice of life” and the Estrella Bar lives up to that saying by offering a wide selection of fresh juices for just about everyone’s tastes.

A Lunch Or Dinner Based On Omega 3

The next stop along our healthy trail offers the chance to sit by the sea and enjoy the sound of the waves nearby. The Fuerte Marbella Beach Club, needed vitamins can be found in the typical Andalucian dish, gazpacho. It is a natural source of vitamins A, C and D, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. It is also good for its nutritional benefits and low calorie count.

The gazpacho is recommended as an appetizer or an entree if the goal is to lose weight and is particularly suitable for people under stress or those requiring an extra supply of vitamins and minerals.

After that, we recommend sampling the famous grilled sardines, cooked on spits over the coals. These are examples of the so-called blue fish, which are very important because they are high in Omega 3. Experts recommend including this type of food in any healthy diet, as it helps with both memory and mood.

A Desert Rich In Calcium And Low In Calories

There is nothing better to conclude this “Healthy Triangle” than an ideal dessert for these summer days. The Llaollao ice cream parlour offers unique taste with a selection based on yogurt, boasting a variety of flavours. Each can be accompanied by a variety of fruits and other toppings.

The contribution of yogurt comes in handy for one’s bones thanks to the calcium it contains. And what better way to finish your route on the oceanfront, relaxed and enjoying our ice cream!

What do you think of our “Healthy Triangle? Appetizing? Follow the path and enjoy yourself on the promenade of Marbella!

* Useful Information:

BAR ESTRELLITA: Price of a combination € 3.

Hours of Operation: Monday to Sunday, during the summer, from 9:00 to 22:00 and in winter from 9:00 to 14:00.

FUERTE MARBELLA BEACH CLUB: Price for a gazpacho, grilled sardines and one water or soda is 17 €. (Not including bread)

Hours of Operation: from March to November, from 13:00 to 16:30. During the summer, from mid-July to August, it is also open in the evening from 20:30 to 22:30. (dinner from Wednesday to Sunday).

Telephone for reservation: (+34) 952 92 00 09

LLAOLLAO: An ice cream parlour along the beach, where you can enjoy ice cream made ​​with natural yogurt and toppings to taste.

Price of a 150-gr carton is 3 €.

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29603 Marbella. Málaga.

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