Desayuno saludable

Twelve Recommendations For What To Eat and How To Have A Healthy Breakfast

Perhaps the best way to start talking about the breakfast is to make clear what we should and should not take in. It often happens when we are on holiday that eat without much care or control. There is a big temptation to think that you are on holiday, so therefore you can eat what you want. This is true but isn’t it better to use your time in a foreign country to try new things which may be better than what you are used to. After all you might enjoy them and find them better than what you eat normally.

That said, the most difficult part may be figuring out what to avoid at breakfast. Do not worry, because we’ve also included a discussion of what foods you should take in that may be more rich and flavourful than ‘prohibited’ selections, in addition to being healthy.

 Foods to Avoid During Breakfast:

  1.  Foods that have too much fat, especially animal products like fired bacon, sausage, blood sausage, spicy sausage, red butter … etc.
  2. Eggs, tomatoes and fried mushrooms.
  3. Products with too much sugar such as baked goods or cereal covered with sweets.
  4.  Try to avoid processed foods like beans with canned tomato sauce.
  5. Avoid using extra fats like butter or cream cheese.
  6. Do not add too much sugar to coffee or tea and avoid using excessive jam on toast.

 Recommended Foods For Breakfast

  1.  Natural sugar, not processed sugar. Any type of fruit and any kind of fresh fruit juice.
  2. Cereals, industrial sugars layer like corn flakes, multigrain cereal or muesli with no added sugar. If you want to sweeten this food, add pieces of fruit.
  3. Skimmed products such as milk, cheese or yoghurt.
  4. Instead of butter or margarine, use olive oil on toast or bread.
  5. With respect to the best way to eat cooked eggs, try poached or scrambled with a little olive oil. Be careful with the salt – do not use too much.
  6. Have some coffee. Studies show that it can improve physical performance, but do not drink too much.

 Different Breakfast Ideas:

  1.  Fruit (banana, apple, orange or a couple of kiwis, prunes) with plain yoghurt and whole wheat toast.
  2. A piece of whole wheat toast with a bit of ham (best to have Iberian) and two medium sliced tomatoes.
  3. Muesli with natural yoghurt with nuts and fruit pieces.
  4. A boiled egg with wholemeal soldiers, plus a banana.
  5. You can drink tea in moderation but try green or fruit teas. To maintain hydration, try diluted fruit juice or water alone.

Remember that here in Andalusia, the most popular breakfast is fresh orange juice followed by a toasted muffin topped with grated tomato and a few drops of olive oil. For the more daring, one alternative may be ripe avocado spread on a muffin with some slices of ham on top. These breakfasts are not only nutritious but they taste great and will help you maintain energy.

Time to eat!

Would you like to tell us your favourite breakfast? What is typical in your city or country? Leave us a comment – we are happy to hear them!

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