Fuerte Hoteles confirms its commitment to the Environment for another year

Solar panels in Fuerte Grazalema hotel

Solar panels in Fuerte Grazalema hotel

The main theme for celebrating World Environment Day is Green Economy

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June each year. Through this event, United Nations intend to foster awareness about the environment at a global level and to promote assistance and political action in this field.

The objectives of this event are mostly to provide a human face to environmental issues, to enable people to become agents for sustainable and equitable development, to promote the key role of communities in the change in attitude on environmental matters, and to boost cooperation, which will secure that all nations and peoples can have a better future.

Fuerte Hoteles chain joins another year to this day, confirming its commitment to responsible tourism, which makes possible for them to coexist in harmony with their cultural, social and economic environment.

Improving human well-being and social equity

The United Nation Environment Programme defines green economy as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological damages. In other words, we can think of a green economy as one is low at carbon emissions, efficient on resources and socially inclusive.

In practical terms, a green economy is one whose growth on income and employment is driven forward by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, improve energy efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. These investments should be driven and supported by specific changes in policy-making and the appropriate regulatory amendments.

Environmental Measures

Each one of the Fuerte Hoteles chain establishment takes sustainability as a guiding principle and integrates new management systems that secure both minimum impact on the environment and the promotion of local culture and economy.

One of the indicators that are monitored is the carbon footprint, which indicates the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere related to the hotel activity. Both this and the ecological footprint (assessed by the biologically productive metres of land and sea area required for the hotel in order to develop its operations) have low levels.

All in all, we offer our guests a natural undegraded environment, and a nature-friendly hotel. Some of the activities organized to promote the caring for nature are outdoors excursions, hiking routes, and environment workshops for the youngest.

The hotels also carry out water quality monitoring and have a watering system for plants and gardens through dip and sprinkler micro-irrigation to save water. The hotels have solar panels that provide hot water and heating to our guests.

Moreover, the hotel facilities are equipped with energy saving and LED luminaries, reactive power compensators, and room temperature regulators, among many other measures helping to preserve the environment.

Our environment is part of ourselves. Respecting the environment is to preserve our legacy and caring for it is a responsibility.


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Fuerte Group Hotels
​Avda. Severo Ochoa 28, 9º A
29603 Marbella. Málaga.

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