Our Top Tips to Save Energy at Home: Saying No to Standby and Other Helpful Hints!

ahorrar energía

En Fuerte Hoteles apostamos por el medio ambiente

After outlining just some of our tricks and tips to help save money at home, the Fuerte Hoteles group wants to add to the conversation with some ideas about how to reduce your bill and save energy through your appliances

Whether you’re driven by environmental consciousness or simply want a lower months electric bill, these tips concerning how you chose and use everything from your dishwasher to your refrigerator to your air conditioner can help you reach your goal. Just a few simple things to remember that don’t require much effort. Take notes!

What Class Appliance Are You Choosing?

When its time to purchase a new appliance, its wise to always chose a Class A product. While it may require accepting a slightly higher price, this class of product can help you consume up to 55 percent less energy, amounting to more than 800 euros savings over the life of your appliance. Not bad, right?

In the case of dishwashers, many reports suggest that if used properly, they can end up using less overall water and energy than even washing by hand and of course it makes any clean up a lot more comfortable and easy.

The refrigerator consumes about 40% of the energy used by all household appliances. So in addition to class A, it is important that they bear the stamp ‘no frost’, further reducing the amount of energy needed to keep things cool in a sustainable and effective way.

For our part, Fuerte Hoteles always makes sure that our staff sets our dishwasher to the highest possible capacity at all times to help avoid wasting energy in addition to choosing the more effective class of appliance.

Remembering the Standby Rule

It’s hard to imagine but the little red light you see when an appliance, including a computer or television, can be a lasting drain on energy usage. Depending on the size of the appliance, that Standby light can make up about 5 to 10 percent of household consumption so its good to remember to turn off that option or make sure your appliances are unplugged when not in use or charging.

Heating and Air Conditioning in a Responsible Way

When using the heating or air conditioning, make sure all doors and windows are locked at home to ensure no heat loss. Put the thermostat to 20 degrees in winter and 25 in summer. This temperature is sufficient to heat the house and to make sure the bill does not end up in the clouds.

Fuerte Hoteles uses temperature controllers in the rooms, as well as double-glazed doors and windows, which translates into serious savings in air conditioning bills.

Furthermore an automatic system takes care of switching off the air conditioning before the opening of doors and windows of terraces in each room.

Paneles solares instalados en el Hotel Fuerte Grazalema

Paneles solares instalados en el Hotel Fuerte Grazalema

Creating Your Own Energy

Each year, more and more homeowners turn to solar panels to help produce energy for their homes, even if only for a fraction of their energy consumption. Renewable energy options are increasingly accessible and help ease the impact on the local environment as well as helping us become less dependent on outside energy resources.

Intent on leading by example, Fuerte Hoteles include solar panels at all locations to help provide guests with hot water and heating.

Did we miss a trick? Tell us how you save energy!

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​Avda. Severo Ochoa 28, 9º A
29603 Marbella. Málaga.

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