Night kayak touring, a new sport to enjoy in Cartaya

Be the first to know the magnificent natural areas of this environment through hiking or canoeing routes organized by the Town Council Sport Department of Cartaya.

If during your holidays on the Huelva coast you choose to combine sun and beach offers with sport activities, you cannot miss these routes where you will enjoy closed contact with nature.

Cartaya Town Council has prepared a number of activities to promote sport practice in these unrivalled natural areas, such as the 12.000 hectares of pinewoods, or its unmatched Natural Sites as the marshlands at the river Piedras and Flecha de El Rompido are.

The 10 routes that have been organized combine hiking, night kayak tours and canyoning. In addition to those, this year a novelty stands out, the first triathlon, which will take place on 18 August in Sprint Cross variation.

An ambitious programme

Cartaya has carried out an innovative programme of nature activities since the last 14 April, which will be running until 10 November, when the last route will be held. There are still five very interesting months left to discover the Cartaya environment.

The pursued objective is, apart from promoting sport practice, to raise citizens’ awareness about the need of contributing to valorise our environment through sustainable and sound initiatives, thus helping to its protection and preservation.

Applicants must be from 16 to 65 years old, and they must present their application form, which will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis until all available places are completed, at the offices of Patronato Municipal de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Cartaya (Cartaya Town Hall Sport Department), by phone (+34 959 393 093) or via e-mail [email protected].

More routes to enjoy nature

The five activities to be carried out include an original night kayak tour at Los Machos dam, located in the middle of Cartaya Campo Común de Arriba Pinewoods, which will be held on Friday night 3 August.

On 18 August will be held the I Triathlon Sprint Cross, combining 750 metres swimming, 20 km mountain biking and 5 km running. That is certainly a spectacular event for those who love sport challenges.

On 15 September, on the same day, those who love walking in the wild countryside or in the canyons will have the opportunity of wandering along the Sierra de Grazalema. The former will go through the Forest of El Pinsapar, one of the most beautiful forests in the Cadiz Mountains. And the latter will descend to the gorge Garganta Verde, an impressive experience for the most adventurous ones.

Hikers will have two days to go through the Huelva attractions. On 20 October will be a circular route running between the village of Sotiel Coronada, bordering the river Odiel and back by the opposite river bank. It is an area of great beauty due to the remains of water mills and mining sites. On 10 November will be finishing the cycle of nature activities with another circular route, unmarked, through the Aracena Natural Park.

“Cartaya Hotels” Route

Marshland next to Hotel Fuerte El Rompido

Marshland next to Hotel Fuerte El Rompido

Recently, the I Athletic Half Marathon “Cartaya Hotels Route” was celebrated, an event where more than 300 runners participated and went along the Cartaya coast, going through the five hotels with four or five stars, one of them was Hotel Fuerte El Rompido.

Fuerte Hoteles has two establishments where to stay, one in the municipality of Cartaya, Hotel Fuerte El Rompido, and another one in the Sierra de Grazalema, Fuerte Grazalema. Two perfect options if you decide to spend your holidays in this Western zone of Andalucía.

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