Fuerte Hoteles supports sports as a way to foster social integration

El equipo 'One Team' formado por Unicaja, Proyecto Hombre y Fuerte Hoteles.

The team is a basketball team made up of Unicaja, Proyecto Hombre and Fuerte Hoteles.

“One Team”, basket and integration

Fuerte Hoteles keeps working day after day in the struggle against social deprivation as part of its mission to integrate the most disadvantages groups of society. Campaigns, events and activities are organized so the people with drug and other addictions can progress and build a new future.

One Team is a European-level social program that seeks to socially integrate people with different problems through sports (and specifically through basketball). In this project seven Euroleague teams have taken advantage of its social prestige and outreach to try to solve the main problems of these people with special needs by following an assessment and dissemination method that would have a positive impact in their lives.

The projects have been adapted by each team to meet their specific local requirements and have a positive impact over the potentially excluded groups in their communities: people with physical and psychological disabilities, economically disadvantaged groups, nontraditional family environments, people with drug addictions or belonging to youth gangs.

The goal of this program is not only to involve those groups in sport activities, but also teach them abilities for their everyday life, using the power of basketball to improve their situation. In Málaga this project has been implemented by Unicaja thanks to the Fuerte Hoteles sponsorship.

The teams that participate in this program at European level are: Alba Berlin, Efes Anadolou, CSKA, Maccabi, Olimpia Milano, Olympiacos, Real Madrid and Unicaja.

“Sport is Life” campaign for school pupils

Sports do not only contribute to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to teach important values for society. “Sport is Life” is another program developed by Unicaja with the active collaboration of Fuerte Hoteles.

With this slogan the basketball players of this Malaga team are visiting the schools of Malaga to bring the positive aspects associated with sports to the young people. This program is designed to promote sport practice, to foster sport culture among children, visiting schools, associations and hospitals. In this regard, sport is a healthy leisure option since it motivates the youngsters to do physical exercise and avoid behaviors that are harmful to heath.

Proyecto Hombre Association in Marbella

All these activities are part of a working line to help to eradicate social problems carried out by Fuerte Hoteles. In this regard, it should be noted that Fundación El Fuerte has also been working through the Proyecto Hombre Association in Marbella for 30 years to help in the rehabilitation of drug-dependent people and to provide support for their families.

“Sport, effort and team work are three values that Fuerte Hoteles have developed since its beginning, that’s the reason why we support this and other projects. We are a hotel chain that has been concerned with its social and environmental environments from the beginning” ensures Joaquín Pineda, director of Communication and CSR of Fuerte Hoteles.

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