Noche de San Juan

San Juan is the festival that marks the beginning of summer and is a festivity that is celebrated around the world, although in Andalucia it has a special importance in coastal areas. The festival of San Juan is for many people another event to enjoy with family and friends. For others, a magical moment in […]


Feria del Caballo de Jerez

The Jerez Fair is one of this city’s largest international tourist attractions, and not surprisingly an International Tourist Interest Festival. The Horse Fair offers visitors the chance to enjoy the best locals wines, the bewitching spectacle of flamenco, the amazing and beautiful parade of horses and the abundant joy that transforms Jerez during this festival, […]

Cadiz Carnival, a unique event to enjoy the ‘art’ of Cadiz

Carnaval de Cádiz 2024

In February, Cadiz becomes a party. It’s Carnival time. The joy of the Cadiz carnival fills the streets. The city becomes a stage and its people the main actor because Don Carnal arrives. The whole town is committed to the carnival, it is a perfect opportunity to know and enjoy the wit and grace of […]

How to make your company Christmas party fun, special and original

Navidad, ideas y consejos para la cena de empresa

Company dinners? Christmas? Yes, Christmas is around the corner and with it the famous company dinners. For many it may sound like a boring event, since it may seem like “the usual” and there are even those who fear this time of year. But what is certain is that each year more and more bosses commit to […]


Feria De Pedro Romero Y Corrida Goyesca De Ronda 2022

The 2022 Pedro Romero and Ronda Fair is, on this occasion, held between 30 August and 4 September. The Goyesca Ronda is the most highly anticipated and attractive event for visitors and locals alike. The most interesting event for both Spanish and foreign tourists in the city of Ronda. This festivity was declared a Festival […]

Sunshine Tour, the unmissable equestrian event for all horse lovers

Sunshine Tour, Circuito Hípico del Sol, Vejer de la Frontera, Cádiz

Riding a horse through the woods of Cádiz is an experience not easily forgotten. Montenmedio, located just a few kilometres away from the Cádiz district of Vejer de la Frontera, offers the chance to enjoy nature and some of the symbols that make Andalucia a unique place. Set in this wonderful woodland can be found […]

(Español) Fuerte Hoteles, con el deporte: una pareja ‘fuerte’ en los 101km de Ronda

Visitez l'Andalousie depuis les airs dans une montgolfière et profitez de ses paysages des yeux d'un oiseau: Ronda

(Español) Hace unas semana Ronda acogió los ya clásicos 101 km de la Legión, una de las carreras de fondo más populares de España que bajo el eslogan “Sufrimiento y dureza” acogió a 7.000 participantes venidos de todos los puntos de España y muchos países del extranjero. Pero los 101km de Ronda, son mucho más […]

(Español) Juan Paradell Solé: “El concierto de Navidad de Marbella es uno de los que recuerdo con mayor cariño”

(Español) El titular de Órgano de la Capilla Sixtina del Vaticano, concierto de Navidad en Marbella

Your wedding at Fuerte Hoteles. Come to celebrate the happiest day of your life with us!

Open house days at Fuerte Estepona and Fuerte Marbella on 25 October and 15 November, respectively. .

Fuerte Group Hotels
​Avda. Severo Ochoa 28, 9º A
29603 Marbella. Málaga.

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