Fuerte Hoteles releases its sustainability report with a notable decrease in energy consumption
Fuerte Hoteles has released its 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR), which underscores the significantly greater amount of energy saved compared to 2011, with a 25% reduction in propane, 21% reduction in electricity, 19% reduction in water and 9% in fuel consumption. The chain, whose headquarters are in Marbella, is the only hotel chain headquartered in Andalusia that issues such a report, with this edition representing the fourth consecutive year of release.
In turn, this data can be attributed to the notable decrease in the chain’s carbon footprintthanks to energy efficient measures implemented in 2012, such as energy management in non-occupied areas, the optimisation of climate control and replacing halogen light bulbs with LED and low-consumption alternatives.
More environmentally aware clients
Another strategic line of this sustainability report, now in its fourth edition, focuses on a greater understanding of clients’ needs for guests who are increasingly concerned about the environment. To this end, the chain has created new entertainment activities with Segway tours around natural parks and electric car hire schemes in order to offer guests a more sustainable experience.
José Luque, managing director of Fuerte Hoteles, has asserted that the challenge is to “make clients aware that through these measures, they are contributing to a more sustainable world”. Luque believes that environmental initiatives are “100% compatible with client comfort and satisfaction”, a commitment to Responsible Tourism that is reflected in the recognition the chain received during 2012, such as the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence, Top Hotel and TUI Environmental Champion.
As regards social aspects, through the Fuerte Foundation, Fuerte Hoteles has implemented more than twenty solidarity projects, both on the local and international stages investing € 71,284 in the process. A further € 40,379 has been assigned to the employee improvement plan, with marital assistance or payment of nurseries or school books.