Three Plans You Can’t Miss Out On This Autumn: From Chestnuts To Mushrooms In Malaga

Autumn has arrived and with it, falling leaves and the smell of fireplaces. And what more typical and healthy way to enjoy it than a walk in the country. Once you are well sheltered and equipped, grabbing some fruit, water and a backpack, you’re ready to enjoy a cinematic day. Who said Autumn means an end to interesting plans?

If you’ve read this blog recently, you’ve seen our article about the quintessential Autumn fruit – the chestnut. Now, we’ve gathered some ideas for hiking and fresh air in chestnut country that you cannot miss.

In the Serrania de Ronda, in the upper part of the Genel Valley, you’ll find the Pujerra village, surrounded by thousands of acres of oak and pine trees. From here, we can choose two interesting alternatives, though there are several more:


The Pujerra Route to Juzcar: Visit the ‘Smurf Village’



The first option is to visit the ‘Smurf village’ of Juzcar, starting from Pujerra through a small walking path that allows us to achieve two goals at the same time – exercise and tourism. Their painted blue houses and commitment to the recovery of the Serrania de Ronda Mediterranean forest, in collaboration with the WWF, are just two elements to highlight.

To get there, from the incorporation of the small road that leads to the village of Pujerra, we deviate from the road to Ronda, where we can enjoy the view of the hillsides populated by contrasting brown chestnut leaves and green pine trees in the background.

Here begins a 2km walk for people departing from Pujerra, specifically from the viewpoint you see in the photo, indicating the beginning of the path, which you cannot miss.


Mirador de la Cruz


The Pujerra Route – Pujerra By Way Of Estepona



Once you get to the starting point, which is Pujerra, look to the top of the village, next to the road, where you’ll see a sign indicating the “Pujerra-Estepona Road” trail head. If you don’t see it at first, just ask any visitor and they will be able to point you in the right direction.

Once there, we begin by entering through a huge chestnut forest that is in full swing during the months of October and November. Now is the time for collecting your chestnuts in a beautiful, typical Autumn setting that could not be more fascinating. There you can find chestnuts on the ground, underneath the trees, completely uncovered by falling leaves, complete with mild temperatures that make the trek especially enjoyable.

Due to the number of forks that we will encounter along the way, we recommend following the route signals without leaving. To avoid getting lost, we recommend visiting this link.


Rizos de Castañas


Now there’s no excuse to stay on the couch this fall!

Get Out There and Enjoy It


Hotel Fuerte Grazalema

Hotel Fuerte Grazalema

The best option to stay in the province of Malaga and adventure yourself in Bosque del Cobre is Fuerte Hoteles. The chain has places where you can, in addition to its services, enjoy the best of each part of Andalusia. 60 years experience are the best guarantee. Marbella, Estepona or Grazalema are some of the sites where you can find these amazing hotels, an exceptional starting point for your private tour around Bosque del Cobre.


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