Natural Cosmetics: The 7 Benefits of Clay As A Beauty Ritual

As summer comes to an end, your skin is likely dry and a little resentful due to the effects of long days in the sun. Now that September has arrived, it is an ideal opportunity to take the initiative and treat yourself to a trip down the coast where the heat is more bearable and the beaches are much, much quieter.

And once there, it’s time to restore your skin with a free, natural cosmetic treatment: A Clay Mask.

Clay is viewed as an excellent solution for improving the state of our outer skin, but this is nothing new as it has been used since ancient times as a beauty treatment because of its many benefits and therapeutic properties of its mineral salts.

As we’ve mentioned before, clay possesses many basic properties that help with the health of our skin – making a difference simply by applying it. Below, we’ve collected the 7 basic benefits of clay for our skin:

  1. A Complete Scrub: Clay removes impurities as well as dead skin cells that clog pores

  2. Detoxifying: Clay can help eliminate toxins while neutralizing the pH of the skin, offering a wonderful, deep clean.

  3. Re-mineralizing: Clay application can serve to re-mineralize the skin thanks to its physical composition, including minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron and zinc among others

  4. Moisturizer: Clay can revitalize and energize the skin, providing an excellent body tonic.

  5. Healing and Regeneration: Clay stimulates the skin’s recovery after suffering extreme conditions, including overexposure to the sun, promoting the healing of wounds and injuries.

  6. Relaxing Properties: if we apply this treatment, accompanied by a massage and the application of essential oils, it becomes an ideal remedy against mental and physical stress.

  7. A Soothing Ointment and Anti-Inflammatory: Clay helps to relieve muscle and joint pain.

The Clay Ritual of Conil:

There are a number of places where one can find this unique remedy recommended by nature, but one of the most well known can be found in Andalucía’s Caños de Meca (Barbate) and Conil. Each summer, it is common to see a number of visitors travel to the area, find the ideal cliff, and take a mix of clay and sea water to smear all over their body to cure their dryness. Once back in the water, visitors realize what a unique experience they’ve had, knowing that they’ve had a truly unique experience and they will surely return. Below, we will explain how to perform this ritual in three steps:

1. Where To Find The Mud?

If you have the chance to enjoy the final days of summer in Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz), we suggest that you head to the beaches surrounding the Fuente del Gallo. To get there, one can start from the Hotel Fuerte Conil – Costa Luz, then walk towards the right to find some rocks just before the cliff. Remember that this is an area that is only accessible at low tide and it is preferable that one takes the clay from an area that has just been cleared of seawater to ensure cleanliness. Further, this area will allow visitors to find clay mixed with seawater that they could apply themselves, all over your body and face until it is dry.

2. An Essential Massage

It is important that we remember to include a massage when we apply our mud, in order to improve circulation. Once it is smeared across our bodies, we can keep walking west while the clay dries. What better way to pass the time than to stroll along the shore, listening to the sea, all while feeling the mud soften your skin while you relax.

3. The Bathroom

 If you’ve followed our directions to head west, as we suggested, you will soon find the Salado River, just above the Conil Beach. There you can cross over with ease and gently wash away the clay with a massage with the help of the flowing water.

4. The Sea

Complete the ritual by totally immersing yourself in the seawater, with the sandy dunes of the Palmar Beach as a backdrop, just across the Salado River. The sea will do the rest, assisting with overall flexibility and even rheumatism.


Now, you can move on – smooth and soft, all natural and completely free!

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