El Rompido

Free Holidays In Times Of Crisis – A Matter of Chance and Optimism

Víctor Narváez and Ana Memole are a young couple with children from Malaga. This year, the current economic situation forced them to stay home for the summer holidays – a story more common than we think these days.

However, Victor was encouraged to participate in a Facebook contest offering a “Free Holiday in El Rompido” from Fuerte Hotels. “Why not?” He said, “I have nothing to lose.”  The truth is that he did not get all the questions correct and since it was a standard Trivia questionnaire and it was important to answer them all well.

So, Victor invited his wife to participate and ended up choosing every question correctly. After this, it was by chance, luck or whatever you want to call it, her result have them a prize of two nights accommodation in the Hotel Fuerte El Rompido among more than 700 participants. To do the story justice, we leave you to its protagonists to tell the story themselves, starting with Victor”

To begin with the bad news, I’ve been unemployed for the last year. So, while we usually are able to take summer holidays, this year we had to put things on hold. Until then, everything seemed negative. However, when my wife read that we had won two nights in the hotel this summer, we were overjoyed. This was due both to the victory itself and the small nod to fate granted us.

After some thought, and with the usual help from the grandparents, we decided to leave the girls at home and take these days as a way to relax, unwind, enjoy and gather strength. It was a great option, but if we’d gone with the girls, it would have been just as enjoyable.

Victor and Ana, winners of a holiday in El Rompido

Victor and Ana, winners of a holiday in El Rompido

 The ‘Showman’ Cook 

We usually lean towards urban tourism so this was the first time going to a resort hotel on the beach – the experience was great.

Upon arrival and throughout the stay, the Fuerte El Rompido hotel staff made us feel at home. They were attentive, friendly and chatty – maybe we received special treatment for winning the contest. But we saw that while we were treated well, so were all the other guests.

The room was very spacious, clean and with a lovely terrace where you could watch the sunset. The facilities, the pool area, bars and restaurants … something that surprised me is that, being a family hotel with many children, the atmosphere was quiet and relaxing. The breakfast certainly deserves a special mention. Varied to a fault, with a fresh and plentiful selection … and with a chef preparing omelette live while making you laugh nonstop. 


El Rompido

Then there are the details: the towel for the pool area, the ticket for the boat that takes you to the beach included (by the way, go to the beach!: An unspoilt natural area, clean white sand …), or when our room was not yet ready when we arrived, we were invited to have a beer at the pool bar while they finished preparing it. Ten minutes later, they called to tell us it was ready.

In conclusion, it is as you can imagine: we returned, full of energy, our batteries full and eager to come again … this time with the kids! Many thanks to Fuerte Hotels!

Here ends the story of Victor and Anna. We hope to see you soon at the hotel! And we invite other readers to join our Facebook contests. Remember that someone always benefits and no gimmicks 😉

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Fuerte Group Hotels
​Avda. Severo Ochoa 28, 9º A
29603 Marbella. Málaga.

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