Principal Sierra Grazalema

Rabel Plains trail in Grazalema, perfect for families to enjoy together

The Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park offers a wide variety of hiking trails, many of which you can enjoy with your children. If you take a trip to this place, we highly recommend this one for you to enjoy the environment and outdoor sports as a family. This is the Rabel Plains trail which leaves from the Puerto de Los Acebuches and leads us into the Reserve along a gentle and firm track, making it very suitable for children, older people and groups.



It is 6.2 kilometres long and takes about two hours (double if you go there and back). From Fuerte Grazalema, here is a plan for you to do this tour and enjoy the most of the experience. Before you leave, make sure you will arrive in plenty of time.

8:00. Departure from the Puerto de los Acebuches

Trail from Fuerte Grazalema to Benamahona

Trail from Fuerte Grazalema to Benamahona

To reach the starting point of our route, start from Fuerte Grazalema and take the A-372 to Benamahoma. After travelling 1.5 km, turn right and take the CA-9104 to the Puerto de las Palomas. After another 9 km, the trail starts to our left at the side of this road.

8:30. Breakfast

Toast with zurrapa

Toast with zurrapa

Before starting, make sure you recharge and stop along the way at one of the shops for a good breakfast. Hot coffee and toast with local zurrapa (pork fried in fat and salt) or with olive oil is the best source of energy for starting a hiking trail. You can also try local products from Grazalema, such as cheese, a dish that will win you over first thing in the morning.

09:30. Point of Departure

Llanos de Rabel. Photograph:

Llanos de Rabel. Photograph:

Once we reach the starting point (Puerto de Los Acebuches), ensure you are carrying around with you a jacket in case the weather worsens and a bottle or flask of water. The only thing left is to enjoy the path and the wonders of the Sierra de Grazalema with your family. As soon as we start the route towards the Plains, we will have a good view of the Garganta Verde and vulture roosts on the Combronera mountain.

Here we pass through a gate, and begin a gentle descent to the southwest along a comfortable forest trail, accompanied by the Arroyo del Pinar.

We arrive at the Spanish fir grove along a road densely populated by Mediterranean vegetation which shelters a wide variety of fauna. In the background, we see the Sierra del Pinar which highlights the silhouette of El Torreón, and higher up, the flawless flight of the vultures. In addition to the vultures, we can see other birds, such as the goshawk, short-toed treecreeper, the blue tit, great tit or the finch, among others.

Pinsapos. Photograph:

Pinsapos. Photograph:

Approaching the plains, we find a fork in the road, and we can choose to go either by rail or to cross a bridge over the creek. Immediately afterwards, we finally arrive at the plains which mark the end of the first part of the route. Here stands a natural amphitheatre where you can relax, enjoy the view or play with your kids.

At this point we can continue onwards or track back to pick up the car. If you decide to take the Camino de los Pinsapos (Spanish Fir Way), the landscape will become more lush and change with the presence of the Spanish fir and other curiosities like the peony, the wood laurel, white hellebore (poisonous) and prickly caterpillar, together with oaks and other native trees and shrubs, many of them centuries old. In addition, if you are quiet and respectful of the peace of the place, you might see the elusive roe deer.

14:00. Lunch

Payoyo cheese

Payoyo cheese

After a day of hiking, there is nothing better to regain your strength than a good lunch. Make sure you try the payoyo cheese based on local goat’s and sheep’s milk. This entree can also be mixed with traditional local sausages. For the main course, you can try a lamb stew and a sweet dessert typical of this area, “el cubilete”, similar to a cupcake, the shell of which is made with butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon and filled with cabell d’àngel.


Fuerte Grazalema

Fuerte Grazalema

If you come to Grazalema, there is no better place to stay than Fuerte Grazalema. The hotel has 77 rooms with private balconies including spectacular views of the Guadalete Valley. Among the most loved services are the outdoor pool and the hot tub overlooking the Sierra de Grazalema. The hotel chain has branches where you can enjoy the best of each area throughout Andalucia, in addition to its services. Its more than 50 years of experience are the best guarantee.

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​Avda. Severo Ochoa 28, 9º A
29603 Marbella. Málaga.

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