Playa de Bolonia, Cadiz

Bolonia beach, one of the most beautiful and wild beaches in Spain

Bolonia is more than a beach; it is a magnificent landscape full of almost virgin nature, fine white sand, crystal clear water and a very nice sea breeze. It is a very clean beach and its water is the most transparent in the area. Those who visit it understand that it is a unique natural environment and respect it. The beach is 4 kilometers long and close to 70 meters wide.

The beach is located in the limits of El Estrecho Natural Park, which insures the preservation of the environment and avoids the proliferation of urban developments.


How to get there

Bolonia, Cádiz

Access is not easy and there is no public transportation to Bolonia. From Zahara, you should take the N-340 road heading to Tarifa. After the Facinas intersection there is an exit sign that reads Bolonia, close to the 70th Kilometer. There are 8 more kilometers from the exit to the beach. The road is narrow and sinuous which is why we recommend driving carefully. Once in Bolonia, there are various parking areas. Parking is only difficult during the most crowded summer days. The rest of the year, you should not have problems finding a spot.

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Bolonia beach – What to see


Gran Duna (Great Sand Dune)

La gran Duna, Bolonia

Located at the western side of the beach, it is considered a natural monument since the year 2001. The dune system moves because of the action of the winds. It is more than 30 meters high and 200 meter wide and has the peculiarity of being one of the few that constantly advances inland because of the easterly wind that in this area is very strong and frequent.

In the surrounding cliffs, you will be able to gaze upon the local vegetation of the area, such as the juniper, the savin and the corema. The latter is a small bush that lends its name to the nearby lighthouse of Camarinal. Going up to the summit to then slide down is one of the activities that people of all ages love to do.

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Baelo Claudia

Baelo Claudia

A very nice activity, recommended for both children and adults, is taking a guided tour to the Baelo Claudia Archeological Complex, declared National Historical Monument. Walking through the places where the Romans from the 2nd century B.C. built a city for commercial purposes, focused on the fish-salting industry and the sauces derived from that process such as the garum, which was the sauce that pushed the tuna fishing industry and hence the tunny fisheries of the time, will make visiting Bolonia an extraordinary and unforgettable experience for the tourists. The city was built from a Phoenician settlement and enjoyed some relevance because of the fact that it was a commercial link to the African continent. On the 3rd century A.D., an earthquake destroyed it, leaving only a small population group that completely abandoned it on the 7th century AD.

Baelo Claudia Vista

Baelo Claudia is one of the best examples of Roman urban development in the entire world. Visitors can gaze upon constructions built by the Emperors Augustus and Claudius. The entrance fee for European Union citizens is free of charge, and visitors can enter up until 30 minutes before it closes.

Phones Numbers
Front Desk: 956 106 797
Information and group appointments:
956 106 793 (from Tuesday to Fridays,
from 09:00 to 14:30)

[email protected]

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The Ancón and the natural pools

 El Ancón y las piscinas naturales

Quiet and wild, the beach of Bolonia allows the practice of nudism in some places, especially in the area known as the Ancón, close to the Gran Duna (Great Sand Dune). In the eastern side, there are the natural pools or Claudius’s pools, formed by the seawater that is trapped between the rocks when the sea level falls. To get to them, you will have to walk because there are no roads that lead there; this, however, gives you the advantage of finding a quieter and less crowded place than in the main beach area. This is another tourist attraction for which this area is famous.

Bolonia, is an unparalleled attraction of the province of Cadiz. The possibility of enjoying a bath, doing water sports or going horseback riding. You have to come and experience it because it will be a memory you will treasure forever.

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Bolonia beach – What to do

La playa de Bolonia

The sand dune is the main natural attraction of Bolonia. It is a huge sand formation that the wind continuously forms and changes. In fact, the dune may look different depending on when you go there. Do not leave without climbing to its top. Do not forget your camera to immortalize that moment.

Besides the beach, take a walk around the area where the stores and restaurants are and enjoy some of the local cuisine, where the main ingredients are the fresh fish from the sea nearby, the vegetables from the local orchards as well as the delicious Retinto beef.


Where to eat

fritura de pescado mixta

Restaurante Otero Bolonia

Playa de Bolonia, 4, 11391 Playa de Bolonia, Cádiz
Tel: +34 956 68 85 94
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Restaurante Miramar Bolonia

Calle Bolonia, 1, 11391 Playa de Bolonia, Cádiz
Tel: +34 956 68 85 39
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Restaurante Bahía de Bolonia

Calle Bolonia, 2, 11391 Playa de Bolonia, Cádiz
Tel: +34 956 68 85 34
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Restaurante Las Rejas

El Lentiscal, s/n, 11391 El Lentiscal, Cádiz
Tel: +34 956 68 85 46
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Restaurante El Albero

El Lentiscal, s/n, 11391 El Lentiscal, Cádiz
Tel: +34 956 68 85 17
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Chiringuito la Duna

El Lentiscal, s/n, 11391 Playa de Bolonia, Cádiz
Tel: +34 669 45 67 07
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Sirocco bolonia

El Lentiscal, 1, 11391 Tarifa, Cádiz
Tel: +34 956 20 49 79
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Tips for visiting Bolonia


As in any other tourist destination in the world, being well informed is essential in order to take full advantage of your visit. In this section, we provide some basic tips for visiting Playa de Bolonia.


The Wind

The dominant winds in the area are the easterly wind and the westerly wind. There are rarely calmed days, the wind is usually blowing, something that is in fact one of the distinguishing features of the area. Many hesitate to come because they thing the wind may be annoying, especially the easterly wind, and that is why we encourage you to be aware of the weather forecast.

However, during the days with stronger winds, the beach is much less crowded and the experience of going up the dune or taking an extreme bath in those conditions is quite and adventure.


Enjoy the sand dune

The sand dune is the main natural attraction of Bolonia. It is a huge sand formation that the wind continuously forms and changes.

Do not leave without climbing to its top. Our advice is to follow the old saying “climb like an old man in order to arrive as a young one”. If possible, take a board with you to slide down once at the top, this activity is called sandboarding.


Playa de Bolonia, Cádiz


Big crowds

Despite being a remote place, Bolonia is a very popular destination that gets more tourists every year.

It is, however, not prepared for massive tourism. For that reason, if possible, avoid going there during summer weekends or at the times people usually arrive or leave the area. This will save you some problems such as the traffic and having to pay for a parking space.


Everything is a bit more expensive

Except for the ruins, which are free of charge, everything is a bit more expensive in Bolonia. There are few stores, few bars, and few restaurants…, which means little competition. The owners of said establishments take advantage of the lack of competition and raise their prices as they see fit to make more money when there are more people. Keep this in mind if you are on a tight budget.


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Where to stay

Hotel Fuerte Conil Resort

Hotel Fuerte Conil Resort

Fuerte Hoteles is always the best option to stay in Andalusia. The hotel chain offers establishments where you can enjoy the best each of the region’s destinations has to offer. At Fuerte Conil Resort you will find a hotel with the charm and the magic of Andalusia. Unique spaces out in the open, at the beach, next to the sea or in our gardens draw in your mind the picture of the experience of a lifetime.

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