Productos ecológicos de Andalucía

Tips to cleanse your body after the excesses of Christmas

Bingeing and Christmas cakes make us pay in the month of January. The province of Malaga is the ideal place to escape after the Christmas festivities to cleanse your body.

A place where you can play outdoor sports in the middle of winter, with healthy restaurants and local products (many of these places can be found on our interactive map of Spain)- ideal for losing those extra pounds that Santa Claus brings us.

There is no need for you to go on a diet or make a great effort. Combining this type of feeding that we offer you with a little physical activity is enough. Take note and recover your figure while you enjoy all that Costa del Sol has to offer.


1. El Vegetariano de la Alcazabilla (The Vegetarian of Alcazabilla) Restaurant

Eating healthy or low in calories is not synonymous of not being able to go out to a restaurant. In the heart of the capital of Malaga we find The Vegetarian of Alcazabilla where you will be able to taste light dishes of the Mediterranean cuisine in their vegetable aspect.

cleanse your body in Malaga - El Vegetariano de la Alcazabilla

El Vegetariano de la Alcazabilla

We suggest a stroll through these emblematic streets and a good dinner at this place before going to the Albéniz Cinema, a symbolic building in the town where you will be able to watch movies in their original version. A post Christmas plan you can not refuse!

Marilyn Monroe, 1, Málaga

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2. Mango de la Axarquía

When we talk about cleansing, it is not just about trying to lose the weight gained at Christmas, but also about consuming foods that provide us with the nutrients and vitamins that have ceased to be ingested with the typical feasts of the holiday season. If you want to try a good antioxidant, do not hesitate to seek the mangoes from Axarquía.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Mango de la Axarquía

Mango de la Axarquía

This tropical fruit is grown in the Malaga region and you can find it in the traditional markets. The mango is anticarcinogenic and renews your body given its high content of acids, vitamins A and C and iron.


3. Mister Noodles

This noodle franchise extends throughout Costa del Sol and has establishments in the capital of Malaga, Fuengirola, Torremolinos, Benalmádena and Puerto Banús.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Mr. Noodles

Mr. Noodles

It is an Asian cuisine with a strong base in soy sauce and vegetables. The menu is very diverse and also has rice and various salads. So, with this option you can opt for a healthy, low calorie food which is full of flavor.


4. Ecological Guadalhorce

The Guadalhorce Valley is known as “the orchard of Malaga” and it is characterized by its fertility and cultivation of vegetables, fruit and citrus. More and more farmers are targeted to ecological production and their consumers are also growing by the day.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Ecological Guadalhorce

Ecological Guadalhorce

The province of Malaga has 9 ecological markets belonging to this Guadalhorce network established in different towns. Marbella, Cártama, Mijas, Benalmádena and the capital of Costa del Sol are the scenarios where, on weekends, these natural stands are installed to which you can come to make a healthy and wholesome purchase.


5. Azul Restaurant Lounge

The Azul Lounge Terrace of the Malaga Aquatic Center has a restaurant with a healthy cuisine. Under the slogan “Healthyforyou”, the Azul’s menú contains a special section of healthy and low-calorie dishes under the supervision of an expert in sports nutrition.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Azul Restaurant Lounge

Azul Restaurant Lounge

In general it is quick but wholesome meal based on salads, sandwiches, wok and grilled foods. You can also taste combined cocktails and fresh fruit juices. If you wish you can enjoy swimming at the Aquatic Center and then regain strength in a healthy way.

Marilyn Monroe, 1, Málaga

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6. The Ecological Karrasco

The Ecological Karrasco is a cooperative (which is defined as community) supported agriculture and they have their production in Torrox. The whole process is natural and their products are free from any chemicals.

cleanse your body in Malaga - The Ecological Karrasco

The Ecological Karrasco

If you wish you can come to this spot to buy your fruits and vegetables to supplement your diet of healthy meals, perfect for the month of January and that loss of kilos gained during the holidays. It is family estate which is greatly concerned with the environment that, apart from their organic crops, organizes agroecological or renewable energy conferences.


7. Mycology

Boletus Edulis

Boletus Edulis

Another activity you can do after this Christmas to enjoy the outdoors, the moderate physical exercise and good nutrition, is the art of mycology in the Malaga Hills.

There are courses for the recognition of fungi and if you already know how to identify them, you just have to wear comfortable clothes and go to the hills in search of these small delicacies which are low in calories and delightful at your table.


8. Eco Market in Antequera

The meadow de Antequera is the birthplace of good crops and their farmers strive lovingly caring for their fruit.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Eco Market in Antequera

Eco Market in Antequera

You can find this market, full of local and ecological products that will lead you to balance your body after the excesses of Christmas, in the Andalusia Square, in the city of El Torcal. Potatoes have a great reputation in the region as well as other fruits and vegetables that pose a mouthful of nature. You can take the opportunity, apart from making your shopping healthier, to visit one of the most beautiful cities of the province.


9. Grapes from Axarquía

Although it is not a low calorie fruit, the grape is very important if you want to purify your body after Christmas. Its laxative, depurative, diuretic, antitumor and heart-healthy properties make this small delicacy a great ally to put your body in shape.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Grapes from Axarquía

Grapes from Axarquía

The Axarquía bunches are famous throughout the region and, the grapes, apart from being consumed as such, are used to make the great wines of the area and to obtain another of the star products: the raisins. Do not miss the opportunity to taste this product and if you can, take a stroll through the production area and enjoy the clean air that is breathed in rural areas.


10. Buchinger Clinic

If you have gone overboard and think you need to be brought to heel, a good option may be to go to specialists.

cleanse your body in Malaga - Buchinger Clinic

Buchinger Clinic

The well known Buchinguer Clinic, in Marbella, is accustomed to providing wellness and nutrition to their customers, where many of the stars of the silver screen and of the most selected of the elite come every year to lose those few extra kilos and receive therapies and relaxing massages to renew them inside and out. Feeding is one of the basic pillars of the physical well-being and in this spot, in addition to helping with weight loss; they teach their customers how to educate their nutritional habits. Therapeutic fasting is one of the techniques used by the clinic.

Urb. Rocío/Nagüeles, 15, Marbella

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11. Artichoke

cleanse your body in Malaga - artichokes

The artichoke is a very typical product of Malaga especially in the Valley of the Guadalhorce or the Vega of Velez. It’s as tasty as versatile, between its leaves hides a treasure of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, in addition it’s depurative and helps to clean the liver thanks to its fatty acids, its vitamins and enzymes. Also, thanks to its vegetable fibres can control the appetite because it absorbs water from the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness.

A good way of eating the artichoke in order to be able to enjoy all its benefits is to steam and boil it. Once cooked you can accompany them with a bit of olive oil and vinegar or lemon.


12. Lemon

cleanse your body in Malaga - Limón

Citrus fruits are some of the most extensive agricultural productions of the Malaga countryside, more specifically of the area of the Guadalhorce. This food is perfect for maintaining a healthy PH in the organism, as well as to eliminate toxins and bacteria. The lemon also is very effective to detoxify the body; we recommend that you try to take lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach. The first day you take the juice of one lemon stirred in a cup of water on an empty stomach.


13. Raspberries

cleanse your body in Malaga - Raspberries

We can find raspberry productions in the sierra de Malaga. This fruit is one of those foods that is taken in especial consideration by its delicious aspect and also by having an exquisite taste.

The raspberry is very rich in fibres, minerals and antioxidants and contains a large number both of water as of potassium. Another of the benefits of eating raspberries is its antioxidant capacity, since it brings to the body a great amount of vitamin C and flavonoids.

When having them, they are a lot healthier eaten whole rather than in juice.


14. Avocado

cleanse your body in Malaga - Avocado

The avocado is the star product of the Malaga region of the Axarquía. This food is a multivitamin product (A, C, D, E, B-6, B-12 and K) that helps to keep the cholesterol levels and the cardiovascular health. Thus, it helps the conservation of the bones, because it provides potassium and magnesium. If combined with other fruits also has a very beneficial alkalising effect against excess fats that we tend to eat at Christmas.


15. Garlic

cleanse your body in Malaga - Garlic

Garlic is a food that can be found through the Vega de Antequera. This product has an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effect. It has low calories, but it is very rich in vitamin C, B6 and manganese. In addition, contains allicin, a substance that serves to improve our cardiovascular system. Likewise, contains antioxidants that may help to prevent Alzheimer and dementia.


16. Dried fruits

cleanse your body in Malaga - dried fruits

If you like dried fruits and especially pistachios, the Antequera region and especially Archidona is the place where you have to go. It’s true that dried fruits contain many calories, but they are also the perfect snack. This food has a great amount of proteins, fibres and healthy fats. However, bear in mind that although they are healthy and help to lose weight, it’s a product that must be eaten moderately.


17. Cherries

cleanse your body in Malaga - cherries

The cherry is the star product of the Malaga town of Alfarnate. Example of this is that since 2006 the Day of the Cherry is celebrated. This fruit in addition of being healthy and good for our heart drastically reduces the cholesterol or the uric acid. Also, they have a satiating function and a large number of antioxidants called anthocyanins. This helps to reduce heart diseases and cancer.



Fuerte Marbellaa

Fuerte Marbella

The best option to stay in the Province of Malaga and take shelter from the winter cold is Fuerte Hoteles. The chain has establishments where you will be able to enjoy, in addition to its services, the best of each point of the Malagan geography. More than 60 years’ experience is the best guarantee. We also offer a wide variety of low-calorie and ecological products in our restaurants. Marbella or Torrox are some of the enclaves where you can find these amazing accommodations.

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