Enjoy Everything Montes de Malaga Natural Park has to Offer

Located a few kilometers away from Malaga, Montes de Malaga is a mountainous landscape that runs parallel to the coast of the Mediterranean, in uneven slopes. Fed by the Guadalmedina River, its tributaries create creeks of singular beauty.

With a prominent fauna and flora, this landscape perfectly combines natural richness with the comfort the capital of the province has to offer, given that they are only five kilometers away from each other.

The aforementioned characteristic make Montes de Malaga an ideal place for those who love nature and the biological diversity of the Spanish sierras. The signposted paths we will encounter will welcome us to do some hiking and discover our magical surroundings.


How to get to the Montes de Malaga Natural Park

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The easiest way to get to the Natural Park is by car, whether personal, rented, taxi or a bus hired by a group.

You must head to the area of Fuente Olletas and the old C-345 road, nowadays called A-7000, also known as Carretera de Colmenar or Carretera de Los Montes. On the way up, you will find numerous entrances to the Natural Park.

Parque Natural Montes de Málaga Atardecer



Hiking, bicycle touring, camping, classes and activities are part of the great offer that Montes de Malaga has in store for its visitors.



hiking Montes de Malaga Natural Park

The Natural Park has more than 100 kilometers of paths and forest tracks, some closed for motor vehicles but accessible for pedestrians and bicycles. It also features four signposted paths: El Cerrado, Pocopán, Torrijos and Umbría de Contadoras.


El Cerrado Path

A looping path of 2.9 kilometers in length, of moderate difficulty. It starts and finishes in the recreational area of the same name, traversing the foot of the El Cerrado Mountain. The El Cochino overlook is the main milestone on this path. Approximate duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes.



Pocopán Path

Lineal route of 2.7 kilometers in length, moderate difficulty. It goes from the Llano de las Contadoras to the Pocopán overlook, where, after ascending through the firebreak, hikers can gaze upon the widest views of all of the overlooks of the Natural Park. Approximate duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes.



Montes de Malaga Natural Park


Torrijos Path

Lineal route of 0.7 kilometer in length, of low difficulty, which goes from the Lagar de Torrijos Ecomuseum to the Chaperas Creek. It begins in a recreational area of the same name. Approximate duration: 30 minutes



Umbría de Contadoras Path

Lineal route of 0.9 kilometers in length and low difficulty, ideal for environmental education. From the Llano de Las Contadoras, this route goes down the shaded side of the mountain to the Francisco Vázquez Sell overlook. Approximate duration: 25 minutes.



Bicycle Touring

Bicycle Touring Montes de Malaga Natural Park - Crédito: Alfredo Maiquez / Shutterstock.com

Riding a bicycle is an excellent way to enjoy the Montes de Malaga National Park by traversing its numerous lanes. There are two signposted bicycle lanes.


“Picapedreros-Boticario” bicycle lane

With a length of 6.7 kilometers, it is easily accessible from the city through the area of the Molino de San Telmo, one of the entrances of the Natural Park. Ascending through the Don Ventura creek, surrounded by Aleppo pine trees and eucalyptus, it passes by the ruins of the wine press (lagar) of Picapedreros and the Don Ventura House, to reach the Casa del Boticario (House of the Apothecary).



“Lagar de Contreras” bicycle lane

This 14 kilometers route shares its beginning with the “Picapedreros-Boticario” bicycle lane, until the Don Ventura House. Turning left, it goes through a firebreak passing next to the Guijarro House. After crossing the Humaina Creek, bikers leave behind the Ruins of Casa Contreras, to reach the lagar (wine press) of El Conde. Wading through the Querellanta Creek to connect with the Humaina Creek to reach one of the main lanes of the park.




Migas con chorizo

Some of the most popular typical dishes of the region are:


Olla de la Era (Pot of the Era), also known as Berza Malagueña

This dish is prepared with two types of cabbage and garbanzos (chickpeas), it is a typical Andalusian dish, specifically from Malaga. The garbanzos are boiled with veil, half a chicken, bone, chorizo (spicy pork sausage) and morcilla (blood sausage) among other ingredients that may vary. It can also include pumpkin, carrots and fava beans. Berza Malageña is a very recommendable dish for its exquisite flavor.



Migas Cortijeras

A recipe that used to be exclusive for the lower class, farmers. It is prepared following the traditional recipe, with bread, chorizo, beef and garlic: all the ingredients are fried until it all starts attaining a golden color.



Roast kid leg, Gastronomy - Montes de Málaga Natural Park


Pata de Cabrito Asada (Roasted Young Goat Leg)

Generally seasoned with laurel, thyme and served with vegetables.



Plato de los Montes (Dish of Los Montes)

The most typical dish of Montes de Málaga, prepared with pork products: Pork loin in pork lard, eggs with chorizo and fried potatoes, all in a large dish.


Plato de los Montes


Other typical dishes are snails, roasted suckling pig, stuffed sirloin, lamb leg or the slat-cod confit.


Where to eat these dishes




Venta el Túnel

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Venta Los Montes

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Venta Carlos del Mirador

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Restaurants in Casabermeja


An old reddish castle from the Arabic period gave its name to this municipality of Malaga. A municipality located in the region of Antequera and in which we were able to enjoy the renowned “Plato de los Montes” (Dish of Los Montes) among many other typical dishes such as the rabbit in garlic, young goat fricassee, town stews and soup as well as lamb in sauce.

If you need to find a place to eat in Casabermeja, we recommend the following.


Lagar de Pepe

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Restaurante El Corte

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Mesón La Posada

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Restaurants in Colmenar


This old municipality of the province of Malaga is rich in customs and traditions. Colmenar has a rich and diverse cuisine based on dishes that are typical and exclusive of this municipality.


Restaurante Hum Aína

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Restaurante Casa Belén

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Montes de Málaga curiosities

Parque Natural Montes de Málaga

  • Biodiversity: They are known for their rich biodiversity. The area is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna species, including pines, oaks, eagles, mountain goats, and wild boars.
  • Natural reserve: A part is a protected natural reserve known as the Montes de Málaga Natural Park. This park was established in 1989 and covers approximately 4,995 hectares of mountainous terrain.
  • Hiking trails: They offer numerous hiking and walking trails, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts. These trails allow visitors to explore the forests, streams, and mountain landscapes.
  • Grape cultivation: The region is also known for its wine production. Grapes are grown here for the production of red and sweet wines. The “Montes de Málaga” designation of origin supports the quality of these wines.
  • Agriculture and olive groves: In addition to vineyards, agriculture is an important part of the local economy in the Montes de Málaga. Products like olives, almonds, and citrus fruits are cultivated in the region.

Montes de Málaga vistas dron

  • Climate: The climate in the Montes de Málaga is Mediterranean, with mild winters and warm summers. This climate favors the cultivation of vineyards and other crops.
  • Birdwatching: The area is a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts. Species like the golden eagle, royal owl, and black kite can be spotted in their natural habitat.
  • History and culture: The Montes de Málaga also have a rich cultural history. In the region, you can find ancient windmills, hermitages, and remnants of old fortifications.
  • Sustainable tourism: Nature conservation and sustainable tourism are important. Responsible tourism that promotes the preservation of the natural beauty of the area is encouraged.
  • Endemic species: In the Montes de Málaga, you can find some endemic plant species that are unique to this region, making the local flora even more special.


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Where to stay

Olée Nerja Holiday Rentals

Olée Nerja Holiday Rentals

Fuerte Group Hotels vis always the best option to stay in Andalusia, get to know its cities and rest. The hotel chain offers establishments where you can enjoy, besides its services, the best each of the region’s destinations has to offer. Its more than 60 years of experience are the best guarantee and an exceptional starting point of any experience you wish to have.

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